RHBS Policy on Makeup Games

If all four regular team members are unable to bowl on a given night, the games can be made up at an alternate time. Please refer to the procedures to follow, listed below.

An individual team member cannot schedule makeup games. If an individual is unable to bowl, a substitute can bowl in his/her place or a blind score will be used.

If a team is unable to bowl on a particular night, the option exists to make up the games if the following conditions are met:

  1. Both team captains agree that the team may make up the games.
  2. An executive board member is made aware of the intention to make up games.
  3. The games are bowled prior to the week for which they are being made up.
  4. Payment must be made to the Treasurer prior to bowling the make up games.
  5. The team captain must make arrangements with the bowling house to schedule make up dates. Any and all corrections to any frame or score must be made and initialed by the front desk personnel of the bowling house.
  6. The computer printout of all three games (with any initialed corrections) should be left at the front desk for the statistician to pick up on the Monday for which the games are being made up.
  7. The computer printout of all three games from the front desk (with any initialed corrections) must be given to the statistician by the Monday of the week for which the games are being made up. These arrangements are to be made by the captain of the team requesting the make up.
  8. If the team who is scheduled to oppose the "absent" team wishes to do so, they may also bowl make up games at the same time, much as if they were bowling as usual and the rest of the league forgot to show up.