Rochester Historical Bowling Society
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated Apr. 18, 2013
1. RHBS History
1.1 How long has the league been in existence?
The league started in the Fall of 1983 at Marcel's Olympic Bowl on Scottsville Road, then
moved to Panorama Lanes for a couple years. It moved to Clover Lanes on Monroe Ave. in
1986, and remained there until the end of the 2014-2015 season. Upon the pending closure
of Clover Lanes the league moved to Empire Lanes in Webster in 2015.

Ad from the July/August 1983 issue of The Empty Closet.
1.2 Where did the name come from?
The name, as well as the league's constitution, was copied from the Toronto
Historical Bowling Society league. Originally, team names were supposed to
have a historical theme, so there were names such as "The Plantagenet Queens"
and "The Warren G. Hardons". We no longer have that rule so the league name is
rather obsolete, but we still use it because it would be too much trouble to
come up with a new name and clever acronym that everybody could agree on.
From the September 1983 issue of The Empty Closet, in an article about events
surrounding the GAGV's 10th anniversary: "Adding to the weekend's festive events is
the challenge match between the Toronto Historical Bowling Society and the Rochester
Historical Bowling Society. Two hundred and fifty Canadians have chartered a schooner,
and will be sailing across the lake to take on our home team at Marcel's Olympic Bowl
on Saturday, September 24. They, too, have been invited to the Anniversary Dinner." It's
unknown if all 250 THBS bowlers showed up and actually chartered a schooner...
2. Stats stuff
2.1 We have a new sub bowling for us tonight. How do I figure out their handicap?
The method of determining handicaps that we use is: 90% of the difference the person's average and 225.
If their average is over 225, then their handicap is a negative value. The easiest way to figure out a handicap is, after
you determine the new sub's average, look in the stats sheet for someone who has the same average and just
use whatever handicap that person has. Remember, no rounding up when calculating averages or handicaps!
2.2 One of our bowlers is absent tonight and we don't have a sub. What do we do?
Use that person's average minus 10 pins. Remember to circle the scores on the score sheet or write
"absent" next to their name so that I don't get confused and think this person bowled three identical
games that happened to be 10 pins below their average.
2.3 After we're finished bowling, I wander up and down the lanes trying to find you in order
to return the score sheet. Is there an easier way?
The set of lanes I'm on is printed at the bottom of that score sheet you're carrying. In addition, the
first page of the stats sheet (the thing with all the averages and handicaps) tells you which lanes to
return the score sheets and money envelopes.
2.4 My name is spelled incorrectly in the stats sheets. How can I get it corrected?
Write a note in the margin of the score sheet with the correction. Make sure you print legibly.
2.5 On the computer monitors at the lanes, my name is spelled wrong,
our team name is wrong, or our team lineup has changed. How can I get it
corrected so that I don't have to change it every week?
Write a note to me on your score sheet and I'll have someone at the lanes fix it.
2.6 We have a new person on our team. How can we add them to our team lineup in the stats sheets?
Write a note to me on your score sheet saying that this person is a new team member, and let me know who
this person is replacing.
2.7 How many players need to be present so that our team doesn't forfeit?
You need at least two regular team members present.
2.8 The team we're bowling against tonight didn't show up. Do we automatically win all 8 points?
No, you need to bowl and beat the opposing team's averages minus 10 pins (in other words, add up the four averages
for the opposing team and subtract 40 pins). The forfeiting team wins no points, even if you didn't beat their
averages minus 10 pins.